Pinnacle Resources is a well-equipped manufacturing facility located in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. With over thirty blending tanks and one hundred storage tanks, no job is too large or small.
We continually improved our facility to achieve excellence and maximize efficiency. We currently offer six covered loading bays, barge access, rail spur, Mettler Toledo state-certified scales, and a tanker washout facility on site.
Both our R&D and quality control labs are state of the art incorporating such tools as Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Low-Temperature Brookfield Viscometry, Thermoelectric Cold-Cranking Simulator, ICP Spectrometry, and other necessary instruments to insure each product is of the highest standard.
If you are looking for a place to get your sales staff together, then allow us to host a lube school and discuss the benefits of doing business with Pinnacle Resources. Call today and set up an appointment for a tour of our facility.